This past weekend i went home for Stacy Ogleby's wedding. It was a casual Hawaiian-style ceremony held in her parents back yard by the lily pond. It was really beautiful. All the wedding party had cordinating hawaiian attire. She is now Stacy Ruggerio. Her husbands name is Eddie and I have already forgotten what his daughter's name is. She is three and was their flower girl.

The little girl in the white dress with pink sash is eddie's daughter.
Grandma had a dinner on Sunday and I ended up going to church with Grandma, Erin and Tryon. It was a nice service.
All the Ferdinand girls were there with their significant others. Only one missing was Cory, who was busy
with all the livestock from the fair.

Kristen is showing and makes such a cute little pregnant wife!

It was really wonderful to see all of them again!
Have a great summer!
Love your pictures. I am assuming that since I am on, that maybe you have tried to call me.
I have had a crazy week with the kids, so I haven't made it on here and then with my blog and all, ......
Chris comes home tomorrow, so maybe my kids will sleep all night:-)
I am looking forward to seeing you in about a week and a half at the shower. Hope you are enjoying your time off from school!!
Love you lots!!
can't wait to see you in December! Love this blogging thing....it's such a great way to stay connected with the details of life. :)
Love to you sister! Heidi :)
Hey Mary! Yeah, I just figured out how to make a slideshow on our blog, too. I have one up on my, myspace account. Anyway, just click on the icon (make your own) at the bottom of our slideshow. Then browse through your pics, attach them, and create your design, and it's all set! Then, just copy, and open up a new blog post, and paste the entire "code" in. Then post the blog. Make sense? It's super easy, once you've figured it out. Try it sometime! See you soon! Love, H
you've been tagged-read my blog! -H :)
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