Friday, September 21, 2007

it's been awhile...

Well, it has been awhile since I've been on here. I have been keeping quite busy between school and work. I am down right now with strep throat :( but at least it hit now instead of during the week! i cannot afford so miss any class. I just hope I don't get the kids sick this weekend.
A couple weeks ago, we got an indoor pool...a water pipe in the basment burst and flooded the basement. It was pretty crazy, but luckly most everything we had stored down there was in totes so the only thing that got ruined was our christmas tree and all of our christmas decorations. The house reeked of musty, mold smell for a couple of days and my allergies went bonkers, but the landlord and house owner we really quick to take care of the problem.
Since my last posting, Jon has gotten a new look! He had to get glasses which makes him feel a little bit more "30" than he'd like but I think he looks good with glasses!

The last weekend the kids were here, I had a week with 5 tests ahead of me and had to keep my nose in the books, so Jon had to take the kids to the State Fair without me. but they had a really good time.

I survived my 1st week of tests with minimal damage. In lab we have started taking actual exposures and would have started processing the film, but the developer has been acting up so we haven't had much hands on with that part. But is has been nice seeing how our positioning effects the out come of the image. Brings things into perspective a little bit more.
We had a picnic a few weeks back for our class and it was fun. everyone brought food and then hung out at the park, some played "washers", disc golf and I played volleyball. It was fun.

Who knows when I will be able to write again, so hope everyone is feeling well!

Monday, August 27, 2007


I've been tagged by Heidi!

The Rules:
1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write a post on their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Here we go...

1. I'm reluctant to get up if Lycan or Zeva is on my lap or snuggling with me because I don't want to disturb them. Even if I have to go to the bathroom, I will hold it for as long as possible!

2. I must have 2 alarms to ensure that I am up for class. My actual alarm clock and my phone. And they are both set so that I can hit snooze for 15-20 minutes before I actually have to be up...(can you tell if I'm a morning person?)

3. I have never been able to start any type of lawn equiptment that has a pull start! Grrrrrrr!

4. I always need a fan running when I go to sleep. Even if it's -30 outside, I have to have the noise.

5. I can't eat yogurt that's within a week from expiring.

6. I prefer canned green beans over frozen or fresh.

7. I have a bad habit of forgetting clothes in the washer...and with our water here, they start getting stinky within several hours...

8. I always let Jon open presents way before whatever holiday they might be for because Im excited and then he only has like one left for the actual holiday, so I fell bad and get him something else so he'll have more to open on the actual day...

I'm tagging Angel and Tim because they are the only other bloggers I know.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

A wedding and a baby

This past weekend i went home for Stacy Ogleby's wedding. It was a casual Hawaiian-style ceremony held in her parents back yard by the lily pond. It was really beautiful. All the wedding party had cordinating hawaiian attire. She is now Stacy Ruggerio. Her husbands name is Eddie and I have already forgotten what his daughter's name is. She is three and was their flower girl.

She was hugging his leg during the ceremony and said that she was marrying her daddy! It was cute.

The little girl in the white dress with pink sash is eddie's daughter.

Grandma had a dinner on Sunday and I ended up going to church with Grandma, Erin and Tryon. It was a nice service.

All the Ferdinand girls were there with their significant others. Only one missing was Cory, who was busy with all the livestock from the fair.

Kristen is showing and makes such a cute little pregnant wife!
And little Rowdy is so adorable! He's grown so much since I seen him last!

It was really wonderful to see all of them again!
Have a great summer!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

A quick road trip

Jon had to go to the Reinke Manufacturing Plant in Dreshler, Nebraska to pick up a couple of parts for a swing-arm irrigation system they are putting up. So Jon swung by the house friday
night and picked me up and we were on our way. We stayed over night in Concordia and headed into Nebraska saturday morning.

The corn fields were beautiful!

We spotted a huge beautiful field of sunflowers so we had to stop for one more picture.
It was a quick trip but it was really nice too.

We really enjoy traveling to new places, even if is just for short time.

Hope you all have a wonderful summer!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Summer so far...

Yea! summer semester is finished! Very time consuming and fast paced, but it went well. I'm sure that Fall will fly by as well!

Angel, Hannah and Nathan came for a visit and it was wonderful to see them! We went to the park and played a lot. They had lots of fun riding the bike we found at a garage sale. We also had fun getting crazy with Barbies- Ken's got some hot dance moves. :)

Jon and the kids got here Friday night and was a little bit awkward but not for long. For the most part I think they had a great time together. when angel, hannah and nathan left for Karen's after lunch Sunday, Harley and Haleigh wanted to go with them. Maybe we will all make a trip there way someday.

Nathan's legos were a hit with the boys!

ALL the boys... :)

Our cats were absolutely THRILLED to have a house full of kids...

Zeva was nice- let them pet her and follow her around. She was in heat so she mainly just flopped around all over the floor and was so noisy at night we had to lock her up in our bedroom at night.

Lycan, on the other hand, was a mean grouch. When she wasn't growling and hissing, she was hiding...

Harley lost his first tooth when Angel, Hannah and Nathan were here. He was pretty psyched!
When they were here this past weekend, he had lost a second one. the tooth right beside it.

This is a awesome picture that Jon took of a tree that is growing back in the midst of the tornado destruction by Macksville.

It is awesome the ways God shows himself.
He is always with us even in our worst moments. In the midst of tragedy...he is there.

We went to help Karen move in to her new apartment last weekend. It's really cute! Jon's favorite part-she has a garage. It was new flooring, fresh paint new doors and everything. It's really nice and I can't wait to see it once she gets everything unpacked. We are hopefully going back up there on the 18th of August for the school bus races!
We will be in admire for Stacy Ogleby's wedding on the 10th!
I think that i will cut off here, hope you all have a wonderful summer and hopefully we may see you before Fall semester starts back up!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The big 3-0

Yea! we celebrated Jon's 30th birthday this weekend! Thirty is not so bad after all!

If you are trying to figure out what is on his cake, it was my attempt to draw Optimus Prime. I am hoping that next weekend when Jon is home I can take him to go see the Transformers movie. He has been pumped to see it.

It has been interesting to try and study here the last week. Zeva has been in heat and though she hasn't been lovey and sticking her butt in the air like Lycan did, she has discovered the Siamese howl. She likes to do it most once it gets dark outside. she'll just wander into the next room and howl her brains out. I hope this isn't something she will use any other time...

well, gonna make this one short, hope that you all have a wonderful 4th of July!

It's funny some of the crazy ways that cats sleep! Look at this picture of Zeva!

Here's a couple of cute pictures of Lycan. On the right is her sleeping with her toy purse!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

My Mexican Man...

Jon before... Jon after....

Pictures are not quite accurate, but the best I could get with the few editing features avaliable on the computer. One things for sure, Jon has sure got himself one heck of a farmers tan! By his face, neck and hands, he could pass for a Mexican, but move his shirt aside and ALBINO! :)

He has been working extremely hard for his dad. 12 hour days in the blazing sun. With no sun block i might add...

I myself have been keeping busy as well, but not in the physical sense like Jon, but the mental sense with school. I have already had 4 quizzes, my first test and have 3 more tests this week, with one being my first lab practical tomarrow! Things are really picking up speed! I have partnered up with a girl, Rita, from my lab and we have been practicing positioning together all week to prepare for the practical. I'm so glad that God has blessed me with finding a study buddy to help me along the way!

I have applied for the Bachelors program in MDI and will be working on those classes concurrently with the RT program. Seems a little overwhelming, but the director of the program strongly advised it as well as my advisor so I'm going for it. Besides the MDI classes are only avaliable in certain semesters, so if I don't work on it concurrently, who knows how much longer I will be in school!! As of how I have it set up now, I will be finished with RT in May '09 and MDI bachelors in CT and MRI in July '09. I am also including mammography, but need to talk to advisor to see how that will work out since it an on campus course with clinical preceptorship that are only offered in summer semester... but it's a possiblity that I could be done with that the same time as CT and MRI. Anyways...

Happy Father's Day to you dads!! Hope you were able to relax at least a little bit!!

Love you all and hope you have a great month! :)

Thursday, May 31, 2007

1st Year Anniversary!!!

Well, We had a wonderful anniversary trip in Estes Park! We spent most of our time hiking trails in Rocky Mountain National Park.

Jon totaled it up and we hiked a total of 16.8 miles. It was awesome! Everything is so amazingly beautiful! Thanks so much Mom & Dad for the use of your
The last day we were there, it started snowing!!

It was really nice to get away for awhile!

Jon has started his job with his Dad and they have been working a lot of 12 hour days trying to get systems up for the farmers.
I made a trip to Dodge City and Karen and I finished mom and dad's quilt we were making for Christmas. It was a crazy time, with lots of memories, late nights and laughs about nothing. I really like the way it turned out and I think that they liked it too. Jon and I delievered the finished product last Sunday when we meet Mom and Dad in Salina for lunch.
It was really nice to meet up with them and it was awesome that they were watching Nathan and Hannah for Angel and Chris's anniversary trip, cause we got to hang out with them for awhile. They are so sweet and it's hard to believe how fast they are growing up!
Classes began for me this week. It's exciting to finally be in the classes of my future career! I will definately be doing a lot of studying this year, so don't be surprised if the frequency of my blogging dies off even worse...
Lots of picture tidbits from our trip for you to enjoy. Hope everyone is doing well!