Sunday, July 20, 2008

new additions...

Since the last time I blogged, several things have happened. My cousin Leah got married and started a new job. The wedding was beautiful and they both looked so happy!

There was also a baby shower for one of my newest cousins, Erin and Tryon's baby Katherine.

She is adorable!

Congratulations to the Benedicks on their newest addition and my brand new cousin Jayle Jean! I can wait to meet her!

We are also anxiously awaiting for the arrival of my newest niece- Tim and Heidi's little girl!!

Karen and I are planning on flying out in December from the 25-29th to meet her! I'm so excited and can hardly wait for December to get here!!

Daily life for Jon and I is same ol same ol. Jon is still working like crazy- 14 hrs a day- 7 days a week. We celebrated his 31st birthday the end of last month!

Jon picked up a new addition to our household last week. Jon found him on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere and we've adopted him! We named him Gunner. Lycan and Zeva are finally getting used to him. I think that Lycan is sometimes glad to have someone more lively to play with!

Last week, Jon actually got to take off work by 6pm so we could take the kids to the carnival at the fair. They had a really good time. Harley and Jon won an iguana which was dead within a week. I was reading on the internet to try and figure out what they eat and they are finicky little eaters. They like fresh veggies and won't eat the same thing twice in a row! But they are tropical reptiles, so Jon thinks that it got too cold, not that he starved by not eating what was set out for him.

I am half way through clinicals and can hardly believe it has gone by so quickly, but at the same time, I'm ready to be finished.
For several reasons, I have chosen not to pursue mammography. Mammo class was last week in Hays so my partner in crime, Chantelle, was gone last week. It was a bit of a rough week with crabby techs and rude doctors however it was a good way to practice good patient care even when everything else in the department is unpleasant.

Our clinical instructor put in her two weeks notice and has her last day this Wed. They have already chosen someone to take her place and finish out our clinical year so it will be interesting to see how things will change. I believe it will work out for the best. Our current instructor hasn't really been fulfilling her duties.

I am going home this weekend to have a roofing party with Karen, Mom and Dad! It will be nice to see them again! I guess that's all I have for now... till next time, take care!