Wow! Hard to believe that it's already November! Before you know it, this year will be gone! Well, I've survived another weekend with Jon's kids. They were here this weekend and we took them to church and it went pretty well, but we for got the time change and arrived an hour early, so we went to Mc Donalds and they played in the Play Place. Just keep me in your prayers for adjusting to all the aspects of this change in our married life. Other than that, same ole, same ole. Tests are starting to pour on as we enter the last 5 weeks. Just need to make it 5 more weeks and I'm so ready for a break. Just wanted to shoot some kind of update since it has been awhile, but I need to get a couple of assignments finshed before i hit the pillow. Hope all is well with you!
Hang in there girl! Tim and I are proud of you for being so flexible, patient, and understanding during this growth time. Continue to love on these precious children. You and Jon may be the only stability in their lives, and you guys are modeling to them a functional marriage. Keep up the good work. Let us know if you need anything--though miles separate us, we are still available. For now, our prayers and encouragement will follow you. (and maybe a few book recommendations if you're so inclined to ask) :) Love to you both, T&H
If you know of any good books on the subject, please let me know. zi've been checking out a few, but just don't know which one to get.
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