Jon is still in Great Bend working with his brothers at Walker Bros. They just got back from Austin, TX where they had a Reinke convention. They recieved their 35 years of sales & service award this year.
Almost a month ago, Jon, the kids and I made a weekend roadtrip to Colorado Springs to buy me a reliable, fuel efficient car and I absolutely love it! I got an 05 Honda Civic and have really appreciated the mpg on my trips home to see Jon on my free weekends. There is just me and the radiology manager working in the dept at the hospital so I'm on-call alot. 1/2 the
month and every other weekend.
While we were in Colorado for the car, we also went to Pikes Peak and Garden of the Gods. The kids were funny cause they have never seen the mountains let alone been outside of Kansas. They farthest they've been from Great Bend is Hutchinson for the State Fair. 
This past weekend Karen and I took a roadtrip to Denver for Velorswap, which is a big bicycling expo. It was awesome. There were so many bikes and we got a lot of good deals. We also went to tour the Molly Brown house museum, the Denver Aquarium and attempted to go to Mt Evans summit, but it was closed off for the season. So we hiked around Echo Lake. It was a wonderful weekend and I'm thankful we got to spend the time together!
I am on-call this weekend but am hoping I'll still be able to hand out candy to the kiddos. Jon is taking the kids trick-or-treating in Great Bend. Haleigh is going as Hannah Montana and Harley is going as a clone from Star Wars. Anyways, I'm gonna sign o
ff with
some pictures.
Feeding the stingrays.