Well, a lot has happened in the 8 months between posts so instead of writting a novel i will sum up the main events & post
lots of pictures.

Since September I have finished the 1st part of my schooling and started my year long clinicals at Central Kansas Medical Center in Great Bend. Dad helped us move to Great Bend over the Christmas break and I started at the hospital in January. I am really enjoying it.

Jon has been keeping busy with his work at the shop and with trying to keep the new house warm by improving on the draft problem. Though it is chilly we like the new house and the cats do as well. It is more open and therefore, wider area to run. I must say that they have NOT been helpful by tearing up the plastic we put on the windows...

In December, Karen graduated from Newman Unversity with her Masters in ESL. The whole family got together to celebrate her awesome accomplishment!

Since Tim & Heidi flew in for Karen's graduation,
we celebrated Christmas together at the hotel in Wichita. It was a really fun time and it was so wonderful to have the family together! Even Notebook Man made it!
Tim & Heidi had a special announcement...they're expecting!! A new niece/nephew! We are so happy and excited for them! It is just baby season in the family with Lorrie and Yachal expecting their 2nd and Erin & Tryon also expecting their 1st!

We had Christmas Eve with the kids and went to Jon's dads to celebrate with that side of the family. It was a nice time and even the cats had something to open.

They got a new toy that Lycan enjoys but Zeva likes Haleigh's princess tent a little more I think...

Harley is in wrestling this year. It is his 1st year so he is still learning but I think he enjoys it. He is all smiles out there chasing the other the kid in the ring.

I am learning alot at the hospital and my fellow Great Bend student,Chantelle and I really get along and I'm glad that we are working together.
I am hoping that my next blog won't be 8 months from now...but until next time take care!