Jon before... Jon after....
Pictures are not quite accurate, but the best I could get with the few editing features avaliable on the computer. One things for sure, Jon has sure got himself one heck of a farmers tan! By his face, neck and hands, he could pass for a Mexican, but move his shirt aside and ALBINO! :)
He has been working extremely hard for his dad. 12 hour days in the blazing sun. With no sun block i might add...
I myself have been keeping busy as well, but not in the physical sense like Jon, but the mental sense with school. I have already had 4 quizzes, my first test and have 3 more tests this week, with one being my first lab practical tomarrow! Things are really picking up speed! I have partnered up with a girl, Rita, from my lab and we have been practicing positioning together all week to prepare for the practical. I'm so glad that God has blessed me with finding a study buddy to help me along the way!
I have applied for the Bachelors program in MDI and will be working on those classes concurrently with the RT program. Seems a little overwhelming, but the director of the program strongly advised it as well as my advisor so I'm going for it. Besides the MDI classes are only avaliable in certain semesters, so if I don't work on it concurrently, who knows how much longer I will be in school!! As of how I have it set up now, I will be finished with RT in May '09 and MDI bachelors in CT and MRI in July '09. I am also including mammography, but need to talk to advisor to see how that will work out since it an on campus course with clinical preceptorship that are only offered in summer semester... but it's a possiblity that I could be done with that the same time as CT and MRI. Anyways...
Happy Father's Day to you dads!! Hope you were able to relax at least a little bit!!
Love you all and hope you have a great month! :)