I guess we're going to be more of a once-a-month type blog! :) well, Much has happened since the last blog. We got a good snow, about 4 inches. Too bad we didn't have the kids that weekend cause I'm sure we would have had a huge snowball fight.

Well, we had an awesome Christmas, too short but here's a couple of pictures of Harley and Haliegh playing with their gifts from my mom and dad. In the top picture they are playing the game that Haliegh got called "Feed the Kitty" and in the second picture, harley has cars lined up to go through the Hot Wheels car crusher!
Hope you all had a happy new years. we had ice and snow for new year's eve and were out electricity most of the day and when power was still out by dark, Jon was forced to take the kids home cause with the possiblity of no heat all night, not cool for kids.
i had to work, but was off by 11 and awesomely enough the power was back on when we got there. We watched the ball drop and then watched the movie i got for christmas from Sandy, jon's sister- Talidega Nights with Will ferrell.
Hard to believe that school will be starting back up again soon. Mom and dad are coming this way this weekend! Hope all is well, post more later!